quality good Golden Mirror aluminum panels

Silkscreens are available are usually made of wood or Golden Mirror aluminum panels
- how to choose? and whats the difference?

For beginners, hobbyists and simple prints, wooden frames are ideal, mainly because of their low prices. Any silkscreens timber I bought did not cost more than £ 20 o'clock, and did a great job.

However problems can occur with a Golden Mirror aluminum panels they can warp due to frequent immersion in a bath of water or wash sink when removing or ink, emulsion or both. I have found wood can take a while to dry. There are also problems caused by continued use of screen mesh fabric becomes worn and eased into the frame, making no registration frame as good as it used to when newer. This makes the screen unusable for multi-color prints as tighter the better screen display grid will line up for registration or multicolored prints.

JY-6047 Golden Mirror

If you want a longer lasting frame, if you become more serious about printing, or you find that your wood soaked in water due to continued distortions are becoming then Golden Mirror aluminum panels can is the way to go. This may be more expensive, but they will not warp and can also be extended and re-extended several times. Mesh and glue are simply removed from the frame using a professional tool that does not do any damage to aluminum. Once cleaned, the frame can be re-stretching that will give you the ability to use the same chassis for a very long time. Aluminum frame is light weight but also have an added bonus of being easy to handle and transport is pretty cheap when purchased.

So if you're just starting, then try a wood frame and do not invest too much cash, if you get the error silk screening, (which many people seem to) then invest in some silkscreen-quality good Golden Mirror aluminum panels, they will last you years and continue to provide you with excellent results even when you progress to design more complex colors and prints.
